Friday, October 03, 2008

18 till I die....ahhh.....cough......cough!!!!

When do you know that you are old??
The answer is "You will never know!!!"


It was one of those jobless days in my previous organization. I was woken up by a buzz in my IM window from "KS".
OK, a little history about my association with KS.
He was one of my best buddies in office. We used to discuss everything under the sun over countless cups pf coffee/horlicks/boost etc...
For us "everything under the sun" meant gossip, gossip and more of it. Things like, who is having an affair with whom, whose manager is the meanest so on and so forth.

It so happened that later some point he got so bored with doing nothing that he thought of quitting the company.
He joined another company who paid him in buckets, for what??

Obviously, for “doing nothing"!!!

Now back to the call:

Me: dude what's up?

KS: going good man,

Me: So how is your new office?

KS: It is good, but there is no collection man!!

For the uninformed: 'Collection' means concentration of (good looking) girls!!

Me: So sad man.. We just had a new batch of freshers joining today yippee…:-D

KS: :-(

Me: So, who are all you friends man?

KS: what to say man, all are old people, whenever we meet all they want to talk is about their kids and family man. I get really bored!!!

Me: LOL....get a life dude!!!!


A popular restaurant near office, we are celebrating one of my colleague’s kid's birthday.

Friend 1 (To Friend 2): So, how is your kid doing?

Friend 2: He is doing fine, only problem is he is having trouble "burping" after having milk.

Me: Oh... is it what does you have to do in that case?

Friend 2: For my kid we used to do..........

The discussion went on for sometime. Meanwhile I noticed one guy sitting next to me looking really bored.
To break the ice I asked him, so how old is you kid??
Sudden came the answer; "I don’t have a kid, I am a bachelor"!!!

I don’t know why, he reminded me of SK!!


Anonymous said...

Now that you are married, you can participate with them without getting bored.. i guess..

And I see this is the first commentin your entire blog.. Way to go :D :D

wife said...

i know... sometimes u need a little motivation (collection) to get u to work.