Thursday, December 29, 2005

Plane crash

Two days before, a plane crashed near my office!!.
It was a small IAF trainer on a routine flight with two people on board.In between the engine stalled. It hovered around our office building
just to find a place to crash land. Then they found a small field near some houses
and the plane crashed with a huge explosion and fire. Thank god, the people in
the plane ejected out of it just in time.
All my friends were excited that it has happened near our office and went to see the
Somehow it made me uneasy. The pilot could have easily ejected from a
safe altitude to save his life. But still he tried his best so that it did not
crash on our office.
if I were in his place, would I do the same???No Idea...
It just felt weird. May be because of that guy's mercy I am still alive.

Thank god they are alive and only one of them suffered injury. The other
was so shaken that he did not get in the IAF chopper which came for rescue and
was insisting on the ambulance to pick him up.

Friday, December 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by uno_frozen_luv.

Wish I could capture atleast half the beauty

Monday, November 14, 2005

Fort Aguda, Goa

Originally uploaded by uno_frozen_luv.

The combination of colours looked interesting....

Pics from Goa

Originally uploaded by uno_frozen_luv.

Way to eternity..
Pic from a Church in Goa


After a long time, I played Quake.
It felt sooo.. Good. Carmack still rocks!!
Of late it seems like I have become less of me and
more of some pathetic looser.
But when playing Quake, I felt like I was back to my real self.
The guy who enjoyed playing a hardcore quake session more
than any other crap. It makes me forget abt all the boring things that
happens in life.

Crazy thoughts and Universe

Somedays before, I was going through a posting on
my friend's blog. He was writing abt his idea on reality and stuffs.
Somehow I was able to relate his idea with my idea of time and future and stuffs
and my crazy interpretation of Stephen Hawkin's original ideas.

May 'Stephen Hawkin' forgive me!!!

Is there anything called future??

Why do we apply newtons' law of Physics to the thing around us,
apply Heisenberg uncertainty principle to all those particle
in the microscopic level and similar theories in defining the
behavior of the universe??

Why does the Einsteins's principles and uncertainty principle not
used in the life of ordinary human being.

If the photons that fall on a particle can affect the moment and velocity of the particle,
then is it possible for the energy in the universe to affect our life??

Then.. What the astrologer says is right or what??

When it is possible to predict the future of the universe even with all the
chaos inside, why is it not possible to predict abt the future of the human being??

Is the future of human life not predictable, like a particle's velocity
and momentum under uncertainty principle?.

I think there is nothing called fate. It is upto u to decide the future.
The external factors will always try to change it.
But if you can change it back to the way u want it to be, then
the normal laws will never be applicable to u. As u can always counter-balance
the effects of the world around u. May be u can even start changing the things around
u. U can bend reality, predict the future, create reality etc.

Go Goa....

I always loved traveling.
Sometime before, me with three of my friends had been to goa.
I know ppl used to say was Goa was an awesome place and things like that.
But u should be there to enjoy the place. It was soo.. cool.
The place reminded me of kerala, But this place had different charm to it.

The beaches were really nice with nice soft waves and the backdrop of those
hills which made them look more beautiful.

The night life was awesome. At one side of the beach there will be ppl dancing away the
night to some cool songs played by a DJ, on the other side there will be ppl sitting
on the beach in candle light listening to somebody sing Bryan Adams song.

In old Goa, the houses reminded me of some village in Europe. The buildings were
painted with bright colors and were built in a style that u only see somewhere in

I was really disappointed that I could not take much pictures of those buildings
as I was running out of memory in my memory card.

The most interesting were the ppl of Goa. They were really warm
and friendly, There was no comparison with the ppl of bangalore.
They never cared abt what u are abt to do, or what language u are talkingor what u are wearing or things like that...

We never had any idea where to go and what places to see etc.
We used to ask the local ppl abt the nice beaches nearby and the places to visit.
They would tell us about some nice places nearby and, off we go....

Life should be like that.. Seeing new things, meeting new ppl...
Not in those artificial concrete jungle, in front of those glaring
monitors that looks as if it is gonna swallow u alive..

It was one of the nicest time I ever had...

Friday, September 16, 2005


remember me crying about "onam sadhya" last time???
I could have it !!!
Yesterday was working day in office, my friend and his colleagues setup a
plan to go for a "onam sadhya" hosted by "Kairali" restaurant( Junk fellow.. he is still
jobless and has time for everything). He asked me if I was interested in it, I was of course interested :-))
but getting my lead's permission to leave early was another issue, I was determined that
at least on that day I am not gonna have that cafeteria food. So anyway asked my lead.
and she readily agreed( she is not that bad after all.. ). One of them had a car so getting to the restaurant was not an issue, but getting inside was... The whole place was so crowded that I felt like the whole of the city was there for the feast. Luckily one of us had a friend in the restaurant and through that contact got a place to sit.
Seeing the babana leave getting filled up with all the curries of different colours was like feast to the eyes ( now ya guys in other parts of the world will be like "banana leaves ??!! yek", but try that once and ya're gonna luv that).
Had awsome food after a long time
any way it was an awsome day.... I can still smell the "payasam" now...:-)

Wednesday, September 14, 2005


tomorrow it is onam back at my state and me ....
sitting in the office working. The thing that makes me sick is the "sadhya"(feast). When all my
friends back home will be eating nice meal with payasam and all, I will be sitting in the
office cafeteria eating the same old crap by the sucking caterers. Oh my god what a fate :-(

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


sometime just feel like life just drags along without any meaning.
May be it is because of my work. It has started becoming more mundane, more boring.
My lead just tell me to do things again and again without analysing the whole problem.
I just feel sick sometime....

Sunday, July 10, 2005

First Spawn

I have never been a net buff. Never cared abt chatting or blogging or anything. Still i do not know why am I doin' this. May be the boredom of not having any work or the sequence of events that changed my outlook abt life or the pain deep down inside that want to express itself or blah...blah...blah...
may be I will post a lot of things or may i will never come back who knows!!! and who cares!!!!
I just felt like typing some crap and i am doin' it.