Monday, November 14, 2005

Go Goa....

I always loved traveling.
Sometime before, me with three of my friends had been to goa.
I know ppl used to say was Goa was an awesome place and things like that.
But u should be there to enjoy the place. It was soo.. cool.
The place reminded me of kerala, But this place had different charm to it.

The beaches were really nice with nice soft waves and the backdrop of those
hills which made them look more beautiful.

The night life was awesome. At one side of the beach there will be ppl dancing away the
night to some cool songs played by a DJ, on the other side there will be ppl sitting
on the beach in candle light listening to somebody sing Bryan Adams song.

In old Goa, the houses reminded me of some village in Europe. The buildings were
painted with bright colors and were built in a style that u only see somewhere in

I was really disappointed that I could not take much pictures of those buildings
as I was running out of memory in my memory card.

The most interesting were the ppl of Goa. They were really warm
and friendly, There was no comparison with the ppl of bangalore.
They never cared abt what u are abt to do, or what language u are talkingor what u are wearing or things like that...

We never had any idea where to go and what places to see etc.
We used to ask the local ppl abt the nice beaches nearby and the places to visit.
They would tell us about some nice places nearby and, off we go....

Life should be like that.. Seeing new things, meeting new ppl...
Not in those artificial concrete jungle, in front of those glaring
monitors that looks as if it is gonna swallow u alive..

It was one of the nicest time I ever had...

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