Sunday, September 17, 2006

Lazy Traveler: Pondicherry Part 1

It was a Friday night at around 11:30 and I was frantically working

with my(not exactly!!)

laptop at my house after an SOS call from my Boss about some problem

in our code.

Suddenly my mobile phone started ringing. It was a call from my friend


He started off with his typical "what's up. dude" greeting. His call at this time of the day was good enough for me to find out that he is up to something.

First thing he asked me was what was I doing now. I replied with a big story about the work and how my weekend was going to get spoilt ( as if I do all kind of adventure sports

during weekend!!).

"Why don't we go pub hopping?" he asked. "At this time of the day?" was my reply rather question. I was sure that he was up to something else.

After a round of questioning and set of "sweet" words from me he told me to be prepared with a pair of dress and be ready to travels somewhere during the weekend and PS (Sreejith) and Rao( Prasanth a.k.a Beedi) was with him. All my cribs about my work and how loaded I was fell into deaf ears.

Hesitantly, but happy about doing something different during the weekend I packed my stuffs and waited.

They came to my house at about 12.45 to my house. The vehicle of choice was PS's Tata Safari about which I know more that he knows.

But, luckily he knows what the steering wheel is used for and where the break is

I guess that is good enough to get a driving license.

Everything was set off we go!! problem none is sure about the way to Pondicherry.

Only thing we know was we had to take to Hosur road route.

Radio city FM was playing nice songs on the car stereo for a change ( the middle of the night when everyone is asleep).

I thought the only thing they knew was blah..blah..blah.

We crossed the Bangalore city limits and was cruising nicely, suddenly like an after thought P.S asked “are we on the right track?". He did not get any answer as none was sure about it.

Pasanth suddenly came up with a solution “let’s have something to eat". We can stop at some Dhaba and ask them the way to Pondicherry.

We stopped at a "Dhaba" selling south Indian dosa and chutney. We ordered a dosa each. The lady in the shop had an amazing vessel which magically produced Chutney if she poured some water taken from a big barrel kept nearby. May be she should be the next one to do this after Jesus.

When asked about way, the shop owner said that we have already five Km past the turn which we were supposed to take to Pondicherry. We decided to keep Dhaba visit as a pit stop and a feather in the cap of the lazy traveler rather than loosing our way.

Man lazy traveler rocks!!

The travel after that was uneventful and silent barring the howling noise Prasanth used to make whenever the rock stars performing in his head via his Walkman mobile go wild. There was also no problem of loosing the way then as there was only way to go.. Straight!!


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